15 mars 2011

Tapping into our inner powerpar Aline Tardif, PCC

Until recently,  we were living in a society that was very skeptical about the power of the  inner world.  But we have come to  recognize that what happens on the outside is closely related to what happens  on the inside. 

We often underestimate the power of our "internal world"  because it is intangible, however, the results of our inner game are tangible  in that they create in our physical world and they also attribute to how we  feel about ourselves. Remember that most success first happens on the inside  AND is then produced in the outside world. »1

Most of us now know the incredible  power of the mind.  It is important for  our well-being to shift our mind’s energy toward positive thoughts and  eliminate energy-draining and debilitating negative thoughts.  On our way to success, a positive attitude is  crucial. 

But, if we think positively, is it  enough to change our life?  The  problem with positive thinking is that we often forget that our mind is  subdivided in two interdependent parts: the conscious  mind and the subconscious mind.  

The conscious mind is the creative  mind that is connected to our personal identity and our spiritual self.  It is assigned to handle the task of total  data collection, analysis, comprehension and understanding, decision making, future  projection and all sensory feedback functions.

The subconscious mind is assigned to  handle all of the automatic tasks of the body, and, as well, to store every  event, experience, impression, feeling, and data that has been brought to it  through the body via the conscious mind. Our Inside world is the domain of our  subconscious mind.  On a daily basis, the subconscious mind controls our  biology in a proportion of 95 to 98%.

According to what Bruce Lipton2 explained in an interview prior to the Tapping World  Summet 2011, our subconscious mind is like a tape recorder.  It  stores our experiences and plays them back.

It is always at play but  it isn't always playing positively for us.  That data processor is one million times more  powerful than our conscious mind.  Then,  while our conscious mind has all these wonderful thoughts, that has a very  small impact if our subconscious mind is not attuned to it. 

The subconscious is just a tape recorder.  It is not good or bad. What can be good or  bad are the programs that are recorded on the tapes.

For example, we can hold the thought that we want to  be successful and at the same time some tapes of fear and failures are playing  in the background.  Let’s do some  math!  5% / 95%... Which part will control  the scenario?

We easily understand that both, the conscious and the  unconscious mind, need to work harmoniously otherwise a self-sabotaging process  is at play.    

We all have infinite untapped potential that is  blocked by our subconscious conditioning.   We can work and struggle for years and years with limited success when  some unconscious programs are working against us.  That can cause us to feel tremendous  emotional stress.

How do we free ourselves from the  stress that undermines our best conscious efforts?  Different tools have been developed but one  of the most interesting is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a form of  meridian tapping.  It is a surprisingly  simple and effective method that combines ancient acupressure with modern  psychology. 

That amazing  resource clears emotional conflicts out of our mind by tapping with the fingertips  on the acupuncture points while tuning into a problem that bothers us.  It can be done either alone or under  supervision.  It may seem awkward at  first, but it can be easily mastered by most people in a short period of  time. 

It is gentle, easy to learn and usually  long lasting in its effects and it can be used virtually alone, anywhere, at  any time!


1 John Assaraf, in the  Course The Inner Game of Business Success 2 Bruce Lipton, cell biologist, author of The  biology of Belief.  Unleashing the Power  of Conciousness, Matter & Miracles

Aline Tardif, PCC PCC, Présidente de Vision & Interaction inc.