10 mai 2024 vendredi | 7:45 AM - 9:00 AM ICF Québec1 CCE

ICF Québec English Coaches Breakfast

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The Neuroscience of Emotions: New and Practical Strategies for Coaches


Please join Nicolò F. Bernardi for a thought-provoking conversation about how emotions are made (yes, made!) and what we can do with them in the context of a coaching session. Drawing on Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett’s research, among others, he’ll present evidence that challenges widely held notions about emotions. Be ready for some surprises! Nicolò will introduce a model to look at emotions through the lens of a current state of understanding of the brain. He’ll then facilitate a conversation to share ideas on how to effectively work with emotions within the framework of a coaching session, including some of his favorite tools and considerations on how to maintain intact the important and sometimes elusive boundary between coaching and therapy.


Nicolò Francesco Bernardi, PhD, ACC

Nicolò is passionate about helping leaders develop strong and flexible emotion regulation skills in the tenacious pursuit of audacious business and personal goals. With a background in neuroscience research, mindfulness practice and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills, he believes that emotion regulation is a set of skills that can be trained like any other and that plays a key role in staying in love with the rollercoaster of life for the long haul. He specializes in supporting founders and leaders with the so-called highly sensitive personality (HSP), a trait that his father, he and one of his two children share, characterized by processing information at depth and having intense emotional reactions that can result in frequent emotional shutdown or overwhelm.